Ecco perchè ci serve una strategia diversificata che miri a ripristinare le condizioni di salute della pelle, preparandola a superare le sfide della stagione invernale.
L'incarnato in questi mesi tenderà ad avere un aspetto più grigiastro e spento, la pelle sarà meno fresca, meno elastica, più disidratata e avrà quindi bisogno di trattamenti specifici per contrastare la perdita di tono e il cedimento strutturale e per riacquistare un bel colorito e una pelle luminosa.
La "manutenzione ordinaria", essenziale per conservare al meglio la salute della pelle,va assolutamente combinata con quella "straordinaria" del Centro Estetico: trattamenti antietà e antimacchie per eliminare le rughe e le macchie causate dal sole e per ridare uniformità di colorito alla pelle con trattamenti schiarenti e leviganti; trattamenti ossigenanti per stimolare la microcircolazione e biorivitalizzare il viso e illuminanti per ritrovare lo splendore in maniera naturale.
In una parola: ringiovanire.
Anche la pelle del corpo in questo periodo appare ruvida e ispessita, ci serve quindi una strategia di recupero mirata: coccoliamoci con i trattamenti benessere, con massaggi rilassanti e tonificanti ma senza dimenticare il mantenimento con trattamenti di modellamento. Non lasciamoci prendere dalla pigrizia, o rischiamo di perdere tutti i benefici dei trattamenti anticellulite : basterà un trattamento al mese o uno ogni 15 giorni per mantenere la silhouette conquistata e continuare a stimolare la microcircolazione del derma, il drenaggio e migliorare la funzionalità linfatica.
Dentro e fuori.

Per questo motivo, una corretta alimentazione in questo momento deve integrare 3 elementi fondamentali : Omega 3, Vitamine e Betacarotene.
Gli Omega 3 sono preziosissimi acidi grassi contenuti nel pesce e nella frutta secca e sono importanti per l'idratazione della pelle. Le vitamine, in particolare la vitamina C, aiuta a incrementare la produzione di collagene e la potete trovare in: agrumi, kiwi, cavolfiori e peperoni. Il Betacarotene è utile perché si trasforma in Vitamina A e lo potete trovare in pesche, mango, papaia, carote, prezzemolo, broccoli e peperoni.
Autumn is the ideal moment to start a real beauty program to deeply hydrate and nourish, to defend from the steady temperature change of these months that put to the test our skin.
That's why we need a diversified strategy aiming to restore the health skin's conditions, preparing it to face the winter season's challenges.
The bloom of these months will tend to a grey and dull look, your skin will be less fresh and elastic, more dehydrated and will need specific treatments to fight the loss of tone and the structural failure and to recover a nice color and a bright skin.
The "ordinary manintenance", essential in order to preserve at the best the skin's health is absolutely to combine with the "extraordinary" one of the Beauty Center: aging and stain treatments to remove wrinkles and spots caused by the sun and to give colour uniformity to the skin with lightening and smoothing treatments; oxygenating treatments to stimulate the micro circulation and bio revitalize the face and brightening ones to rediscover the splendor naturally.
In one world: rejuvenate.
The body skin as well in this period looks rough and thickened, we need then a targeted recovery strategy: let's cuddle with wellness treatments, with relaxing and toning massages without forget the maintenance with the modelling treatments. Do not be lazy or we might loose all the benefits of the cellulite treatments: it'll be enough one treatments every 2 weeks to keep the silhouette and keep on stimulating the dermal microcirculation, the drainage improving the lymphatic functionality.
In and out.
The skin beauty go through a correct diet following the food seasonality. Eating season's fruit and vegetables ensure to the organism the substances it needs right in that period. That's why a right diet must integrate 3 basic elements: Omega 3, Vitamins and Beta- carotene.
Omega 3 are precious fat acids contained in fish and nuts and are important for skin moisturizing.
Vitamins, in particular Vitamin C, helps increasing the collagen production and you can find it in citrus, kiwi, cauliflower and peppers. Beta-carotene is useful because it turns into Vitamin A and you can find it in peaches, mango, papaya, carrots, parsley, broccoli and peppers.
Autumn is the ideal moment to start a real beauty program to deeply hydrate and nourish, to defend from the steady temperature change of these months that put to the test our skin.
That's why we need a diversified strategy aiming to restore the health skin's conditions, preparing it to face the winter season's challenges.
The bloom of these months will tend to a grey and dull look, your skin will be less fresh and elastic, more dehydrated and will need specific treatments to fight the loss of tone and the structural failure and to recover a nice color and a bright skin.
The "ordinary manintenance", essential in order to preserve at the best the skin's health is absolutely to combine with the "extraordinary" one of the Beauty Center: aging and stain treatments to remove wrinkles and spots caused by the sun and to give colour uniformity to the skin with lightening and smoothing treatments; oxygenating treatments to stimulate the micro circulation and bio revitalize the face and brightening ones to rediscover the splendor naturally.
In one world: rejuvenate.
The body skin as well in this period looks rough and thickened, we need then a targeted recovery strategy: let's cuddle with wellness treatments, with relaxing and toning massages without forget the maintenance with the modelling treatments. Do not be lazy or we might loose all the benefits of the cellulite treatments: it'll be enough one treatments every 2 weeks to keep the silhouette and keep on stimulating the dermal microcirculation, the drainage improving the lymphatic functionality.
In and out.
The skin beauty go through a correct diet following the food seasonality. Eating season's fruit and vegetables ensure to the organism the substances it needs right in that period. That's why a right diet must integrate 3 basic elements: Omega 3, Vitamins and Beta- carotene.
Omega 3 are precious fat acids contained in fish and nuts and are important for skin moisturizing.
Vitamins, in particular Vitamin C, helps increasing the collagen production and you can find it in citrus, kiwi, cauliflower and peppers. Beta-carotene is useful because it turns into Vitamin A and you can find it in peaches, mango, papaya, carrots, parsley, broccoli and peppers.
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